It’s frustrating when you plug your phone into a PC, and nothing happens. This is because many factors make the Galaxy S8 unrecognizable by computers. However, you can fix this problem with simple troubleshooting steps. We all know that the computer is a crucial part of our lives. It is used for work, recreation, and communication. But what happens when your phone does not connect to a PC? 

Samsung Galaxy S8 is a powerful device. If you are ready to buy this smartphone, you will be able to enjoy watching videos and movies on its big screen. The phone is also equipped with a high-quality camera so you can take some photos anywhere and anytime. 

However, despite the device being powerful, some problems can occur. One of the general problems is when the computer does not recognize the Galaxy S8 or the Galaxy S8 Plus. There are several causes for this problem as well as possible improvements that you can try. 

This type of problem is very rare compared to other common Samsung Galaxy S8 problems. But if that happens, don’t worry because there are things you can do about it. So, here are the possible fixes for the Samsung Galaxy S8 that are not recognized by computer problems:

If you are experiencing this problem, here is a basic solution 

Step 1: Connect your Galaxy S8 to your computer and detect it. If that doesn’t happen, unplug the phone and plug it in again. 

Step 2: Check for any third-party software installed on your computer that may block connection to the phone. Uninstall any such software and try to reconnect. 

Step 3: Try using a separate USB cable or other USB port on your computer to connect the phone to the PC. 

How To Fix Galaxy S8 Not Recognized By Computer

This is a problem many Galaxy S8 users face, who are connecting their mobile to the computer. And when the device is connected to a Windows PC, it does not show any sign of recognition on the computer. The problem is a common one, and it can be easily resolved if you apply the right solution. There are a few simple solutions and steps that can help you fix it. 

Step 1: First, go to this link and download the Samsung USB drivers for Windows PC. 

Step 2: Install the drivers on your computer once the download is completed. The installation process is very simple, and you just need to follow the on-screen instructions. 

Step 3: If you are using the original USB data cable to connect your smartphone to the PC, remove it from the PC and reconnect it. This will refresh the connection between Galaxy S8 and PC. 

Step 4: If you are using an original data cable and still facing the problem, try connecting your smartphone with other ports on your computer or using some other USB data cable. This step may fix the issue. 

Step 5: So maybe your data cable is also not working properly. Try another data cable to connect your device. Otherwise, your device is connected to the computer via a data cable. Just hold your mobile and move the cable to different angles. You will hear a sound on your computer when the connection between the Galaxy S8 and the PC is connected. 

Step 6: If there is still a problem, try resetting the device so that if there is a problem with the PC or phone that does not allow the connection to be established, it can be removed.

Step 7: After successfully connecting, you should see a warning in the notification panel. Just drag it down and modify the connection type in MTP (Data Transfer). 

Step 8: Certainly, a firewall or antivirus does not enable the connection using an external device. Turn off your antivirus and try again. 

If all else fails, then try to apply other solutions to fix the problem 

An alternative method to fix Galaxy S8 not recognized by the computer by wiping the cache of S8: 

If, after trying all of the above ideas and methods, you still can’t connect your Galaxy S8 to your Windows and can’t access the data present on your mobile using your computer, then you need to clear the cache of your Samsung Galaxy S8 or S8 +. 

The common question when clearing the cache is whether it will remove the data present on your Android. Well, clearing the cache does not remove any data present on your Android. If the computer does not recognize your Galaxy S8, there could be various reasons at the back of it. It can be a software or hardware issue. There are some things you can check and try to fix, the exception of Galaxy S8 not being recognized by a computer error. 

Follow the steps below to clear your Galaxy S8’s cache partition from the recovery menu so that a computer error does not detect the Galaxy S8. 

Step 1: Firstly, make sure your device is switched off.  

Step 2: Then, hold down the Bixby button and the power button (along with the volume up button). Keep holding them until your phone turns on.

Step 3: When you see a blue screen (like this one here), release all buttons. Your phone will automatically enter download mode. 

Step 4: To exit the recovery menu, simply hold down both the Bixby and Volume up buttons until you see an Android figure on the background of a blue screen. 

Step 5: Then, use the Volume buttons to select “wipe cache partition” and press Volume Up to confirm it. Wiping the cache partition will not affect any data present on your Galaxy S8. 

Step 6: Once you have wiped the cache, choose “reboot system now” using the same method as the step above. 

Once you have cleared your phone’s cache, reboot it by choosing Reboot System from the menu. Now simply connect your Samsung phone to your PC using a USB cable. Hopefully, you won’t be plagued by “Galaxy S8 not recognized by PC error” any longer! 

Final Words 

If you’re having trouble syncing your Galaxy S8 or S8+ with your computer, you’re not alone. It can be frustrating to hear that familiar “beep” that indicates a device is connected to a Mac/Windows computer and not have anything show up on your screen.

This article outlines some solutions that should help you get your S8 or S8+ working again with your computer. Hopefully, the above article will help you and give you enough information to resolve your problem.

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Khushali Limbani
Khushali Limbani doesn't just write about Android tech; she lives and breathes it. As a pivotal author at, she serves up fresh, expert-backed content that educates while it engages. Boasting a Computer Science degree, her credibility isn't confined to paper; she's got the street cred to prove it. Khushali's reputation as a seasoned expert precedes her, thanks to her published articles in reputed tech journals and a social media following that's as dynamic as the Android updates she covers. Her accolades and speaking engagements further cement her as an industry stalwart. When it comes to facts, she's your rock. A stickler for details, Khushali ensures that her articles are transparent, honest, and meticulously accurate. To top it all off, her writing style is straightforward and absolutely relatable, stripped of any jargon that could cloud your understanding. Need to get the lowdown on the latest Android trends without the techno-babble? Khushali Limbani's articles are your roadmap to becoming an Android whiz.